
Lola Skirt

5:55 PM

Lola - Filipino word for Grandmother

Last January, I obtained what I call a lola skirt when I was in a post-holiday shopping state. I actually had second thoughts on buying it as I was afraid it might make me look shorter, but once I tried it on, I just couldn't let go of it anymore. I first wore the skirt on the first day of classes on our second semester. Clad in a long conservative skirt, I heard teasing from my friends that I look like a grandma. Also, they kept on giving me gestures for respecting the elder just for fun (like mano po, etc.) Instead of being sensitive about it, I laughed as well and teased myself too because they had a point about my look and it was kinda funny. Some people loved it on me but the funny comments kinda bothered me and got me thinking about the skirt.

I figured that maybe it's not the skirt that had a problem. It was probably me and the way I styled it so I thought of better ways to style it. When a friend of mine insisted on a photoshoot, this look popped into my head and that's when I made my lola skirt look young.

Bershka halter top, Forever 21 skirt, Nike Air Force 1 

Photo by: Coley Silva

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  1. I love your outfit! And you know typical filipino youngsters like teasing each other!


  2. you looking really beautiful! I love your Outfit!

    Please check my Blog!! :)


    Alessa Bernal :)

  3. so gorgeous! i like your style, very simple and casual but stunning :)

    xoxo, rae

  4. The skirt is gorgeous!! It looks so retro and cool! :D


  5. You look gorgeous! Ha, I always have the same thoughts and dislike looking shorter :( You pull off that skirt so well!



  6. I love this post! Sometimes it can be scary to wear something different, but it is so great to step out of our comfort zone! You look so amazing here, I really love how you have styled this outfit, and I am so glad that you didn't let this nice skirt go to waste! You look so pretty!

    Much love,
    Marianne x www.beautiful-in-essence.blogspot.com

  7. it's so cute! I totally love how you styled it!


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